Monday, November 07, 2011

Open letter to Rod Humble, RE: Second Life Forums

To Mr. Humble, CEO Linden Lab

  I'm writing you today, in the hopes of bringing your attention to what I feel is a detriment to the public image of SL and goodwill of it's residents. There is a trend of what appears to be worsening misapplication of guidelines in the official forums culminating with my own recent experience which I will detail shortly. I do wish to note first that I am not contesting the actions taken by LL staff, as I believe that they are only operating under the guidelines given to the best of their understanding and ability, and I hold no malice over it. My only issue is the clarity of the policies involved. Regardless of this, my understanding of the guidelines tells me that my discussion of the following details will very likely result in a ban from the forums. I am willing to accept this, because I believe the issues need to be openly addressed.

  Recently a poster upset by recent events posted a suggestion that others who felt similarly about those events, should join them in a sort of "blue flu" protest for a week, by refraining from answering questions. I don't know the details of those events beyond that a person (who is a known agitant) was banned. This is not my issue however. In reply to that I pointed out that historically (within SL) such protests had little effect, and that it would be more effective to direct those questioners to official support channels (original text below). The following day I logged in to find a private message from a moderator informing me that my post was removed for a violation of guidelines, specifically, "Flaming". I also found that the original thread to which I had replied was also removed, although I'm not aware of it's reasoning. Believing this to be a mistake or a simple misunderstanding of my intent, I requested a clarification, which was received the next day as "disruptive with the intent to abuse support" (text below), I can only assume that similar reasoning was applied to the original thread.

  I feel that this is both a gross misinterpretation of intent, and misapplication of guidelines that does a disservice to both the original poster, and myself, as well as the community at large. As examples of our depth of commitment and dedication to SL, the original poster is a long time and frequent assistant to those in need of help in SL, and my own efforts go back to 2005, with contributions across a wide array of fora and topics, the wiki, jira, and various inworld groups both official and resident run. These things are not a claim to some special privilege, we have neither expected nor asked for special consideration or recognition of our efforts, nor desire them.

  I believe that history speaks to intent though, which has ever been to help others where we can. I do realize my own statement could be misread, however I feel the suggestion to use (and education to find) the many scattered official sources can never be a bad thing... at the very worst it might slow response times, and at it's best it enables users to more easily help themselves. Similarly, residents are not paid workers, and the suggestion to temporarily halt their own voluntary efforts in a show of support is not deserving of punishment. It my firm belief that silencing these statements sends the message that LL considers resident helpers as an unpaid workforce, which are only tolerated so long as they fulfill the express purpose of easing LL's burden of providing support to residents. This is not a message I can support. I am not seeking an apology, or even a reason, but rather a change.

- Void Singer (the only name anyone would recognize me by here anyway)

ref: Original Post as quoted in the warning letter

ref: Request for clarification

ref: Reply to clarification request


Anonymous said...

Hi Void,

I was in scan mode while going through your post so forgive me if I did miss the answer to my question.

Have you communicated this to Rod by other means than an open letter in GD; email, IM or his SLum? We know he visits the pages, but not the frequency of his visits.

Anyhow, well presented and I wish you the best of luck and it goes without saying that you have my support.

Regards, Sy Beck

Venus Petrov said...

Void, I never saw the 'One Week' OP before it was whacked. I see absolutely nothing wrong with directing questioners to established and maintained sources of information provided by LL or any other source from any other third-party viewer.
That LL might consider this 'abuse' of their support system is curious as, without any volunteer residents to respond to questions, that would be their only avenue (other than asking other residents inworld).
Your blog post has been linked to Rodvik's page. I do hope that he reads and considers your perspective.
I agree that the guidelines the mods follow can be open to interpretation and where one mod might see a violation, another would not. Such is the nature of human intervention. However, there is an appeal process and, if the Community Manager was identified, you could inquire with them (I have done so in the past). Unfortunately, I do not know who that person is as they have never been identified.

The Void Singer said...

I hadn't other than the duplicate in feedback forum, but you're right, I do need to send it directly as well.

it's actually only posted to my blog as a protection from removal, and to minimize my violation of forum guidelines =X

I saw the link in, I appreciate it. For me it's not about the warning, that's a non-issue to me. It's that anyone would have a post removed because of those contents... It says bad things about LL's policies, and hurts the community. I would have happily addressed it to a community manager... but no one seems to know if we even have one for sure =/

and thanks to you both for taking time out to comment =)

Pep said...

Jut to say that in my view if a post is not "disruptive" it's not worth posting! Discussion forums are supposed ot be opinion marketplaces where individuals can offer their unique personal viewpoints, and doing so cogently and coherently without any hint of personal animosity, as you have done, should only be considered unacceptable by those who would wish to stifle fair comment and maintain a 100% propaganda content.

Pep (But if the forums are seen as extended advertisements then don't waste our time by pretending to encourage discussion.)

Sy Beck said...

Any update yet Void? Or have I missed a post somewhere?

Venus Petrov said...

Void, I read your OP Finity's End today and am saddened it has come to this. While I was not a poster in the LSL Scripting Forum, I had the pleasure to read your views in many other posts over the last 20 months.

I will miss you.

Canoro said...

Void, its hard to not have your presence in the forums.

youre knowledge and insight have improved the life of many.

thank you for your collaboration and dedication.

i hope you find what is keeping you away solved soon.